Situm integration

Situm integration Spaceflow mobile

About the integration

Situm integration Spaceflow mobile

The integration allows occupiers to see their position on your premises with an accuracy of less than 5 meters without the need for additional hardware. The integration requires mapping your space as a prerequisite. 

How does it work? The indoor positioning technology merges the pre-existing information in the environment (magnetic fields, Bluetooth, WiFi) with information from smartphones (gyroscope accelerometer and compass).

Spaceflow enables the integration to be configured as a deep link available as a custom menu item.

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About Situm

Situm is one of the world’s leading providers of technology and positioning systems for wayfinding solutions and indoor staff monitoring. Situm provides cloud-based outdoor and indoor positioning services requiring minimal infrastructure. The solution is being used in more than 6,000 buildings from more than 70 countries


There is no better way to learn about Spaceflow than through a tenant experience consultation. 
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